Modular web design is a design approach that emphasizes the use of reusable, modular components to create websites. It’s a way of designing that seeks to create websites that are both visually appealing and functional
Top 10 advanced CSS selectors in Hindi , you must know
CSS selectors in Hindi ,CSS चयनकर्ता (Selectors) वे तरीके होते हैं जो आपको वेबपेज के विभिन्न तत्वों के साथ जोड़ने की अनुमति देते हैं। ये निम्नलिखित होते हैं
How to use react js with web forms
How to use react js with web forms
How to fix this error “cannot find module ‘react-dom/client’ from ‘pure.js'”
cannot find module ‘react-dom/client’ from ‘pure.js’
How to modify Squarespace newsletter button css ?
Squarespace newsletter button css,To style a Squarespace newsletter button using CSS, you can follow these steps:
How to add days to date in javascript
To add days to a JavaScript date object, you can use the setDate() method to modify the day of the month. Here’s an example:
How to update key with new value in javascript
How to update key with new value in javascript,In JavaScript, you can update the value of an existing key in an object by simply assigning a new value to that key.
Top 35 Javascript interview questions and answers for frontend developers 2022-23
Top 35 Javascript interview questions and answers for frontend developer 2022-23.
How to make CSS background color transparent
CSS background color transparent,how to set transparent background color in css
how to change the position of div in CSS
To change the position of a div there are multiple ways. You can change the position of the div by changing the top, left, right, and bottom properties of a div position if it is set to position fixed or absolute