We are going to use the npm package to convert json to csv in react. There are several npm packages for JSON to CSV conversion. Here is the list of npm packages
Lets now see, how to convert json to csv with json-2-csv npm
npm i json-2-csv
Methods available to convert json to csv in json-2-csv
There are two methods available in json-2-csv to convert json to csv synchronous and asynchronous method. It needs three paramater array of JSON, a callback function and option for config
json2csv(array, (err, csv) => { ... }, options)
for the asynchronous method, We can use json2csvAsync with async await.
import { json2csvAsync } from "json-2-csv";
const Page = () => {
const toCSV = async (myjson) => {
const options = {
delimiter: {
wrap: '"', // Double Quote (") character
field: ",",
eol: "\n"
// prependHeader: true,
sortHeader: false,
try {
const csv = await json2csvAsync(JSON.parse(myjson), {
keys: null,
} catch (err) {
return (
export default Page
for the asynchronous method, we will have to pass a callback function
import { json2csv} from "json-2-csv";
const Page = () => {
let documents = [
Make: 'Nissan',
Model: 'Murano',
Year: '2013',
Specifications: {
Mileage: '7106',
Trim: 'S AWD'
Make: 'BMW',
Model: 'X5',
Year: '2014',
Specifications: {
Mileage: '3287',
Trim: 'M'
let json2csvCallback = function (err, csv) {
if (err) throw err;
json2csv(documents, json2csvCallback);
return (
export default Page
There are npm packages we can use to convert json to csv in javascript, react or next js